Required Sailing Experience: Intermediate Level
Course Objectives:
• Understanding the mechanics of a foil boat on land
• Gaining confidence with the boat's balance
• Experiencing the first flights
• Maintaining trim and control in flight in various sailing maneuvers
The course's goal is to help participants gain confidence with the boat's balance, perform their first flights with the Switch, and maintain control and trim while flying. The coach, on a support boat, will maintain radio contact with students onboard the boats via helmets, providing continuous guidance and maximizing learning in complete safety.
The course can be taken individually or in groups of up to three participants.
Prerequisite: Completion of Beginner Course Objectives
Course Objectives:
• Rigging the boat
• Improving handling in various sailing maneuvers
• Mastering the gybe
• Independent departure and return to shore
To participate in this course, completion of the Beginner course objectives is required. The goal of the course is to perfect the gybe while enhancing handling skills in different points of sail. Participants will also learn how to rig and de-rig the boat and become independent in departing from and returning to shore. The coach, on a support boat, will maintain radio contact with students via helmets, ensuring continuous guidance to maximize learning in complete safety.
The course can be taken individually or in groups of up to three participants.
Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediate Course Objectives
Course Objectives:
• Setting up the boat on land and making adjustments
• Fine-tuning the sail on the water according to wind conditions
• Mastering the tack
To participate in this course, completion of the Intermediate course objectives is required. The objectives of this course are to learn how to set up the boat and fine-tune the sail based on wind conditions, and to master the tack while flying. The coach, on a support boat, will maintain radio contact with students via helmets, ensuring continuous guidance to maximize learning in complete safety.
The course can be taken individually or in groups of up to three participants.